访问量: 98674


课程负责人: 金毅
课程建设:未设置 开课学院:物理科学与技术学院

开课时间:2021年08月24日 学习人数:6人
有效时间: 永久有效 评分:



  1. 理工类研究生学位课实施课程思政的探索和实践--以物理学为例SDYJG19038,2019年山东省研究生教育改革项目
  2. 山东省研究生教育优质课程立项建设-群论
  3. 山东省高等学校精品课程电动力学建设项目(省jpkc201311)
  4. 山东省高校教学改革立项:基于有效教学和课程群一体化建设的大学物理教学改革研究(参与/3)
  5. 地方高校近代物理教学团队与精品课程(群)一体化建设模式探究,济南大学教育教研重点项目


  1. A Preliminary Exploration of Carrying Out Effective Classroom Management for Teachers, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol.516, p92-96, 2021   CPCI收录
  2. Reform and Practice of Professional English Teaching of Physics in Universities, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 298, 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019), 2019出版, Published by Atlantis Press. pp. 290-294   CPCI收录
  3. Exploration on Implementing Quality-Oriented Education in Physics Teaching in University, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 322, 2nd International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science(ISERSS2019), 2019出版,  pp. 152-155          CPCI收录
  4. Experience and Reflection on Cultivating Graduate Students' Innovative Ability in the Course Teaching of Group Theory. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), ISSN 2352-5398, Vol.286, 2019, pp. 121-124.           CPCI收录
  5. Exploration of Modern Physical Experiments with Limited Resources and Its Promoting Effects on Theoretical Physics Courses. DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science, ISSN: 2475-0042, , p94-98, 2019.                CPCI收录
  6. Exploration and Practice on Stimulation of Students’ Interests in Theoretical Physics Courses. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol.181, p239-242, 2018.    CPCI收录
  7. Studies on Network Teaching and Website Design of Main Courses. In the proceeding of 2017 5th International Conference on Modern Education (ICOME 2017), p116-120, published by DEStech Publications. ISBN: 978-1-60595-528-5, 2018.                              CPCI收录
  8. 地方高校精品课程群与教学团队共建模式初探,新教育时代电子杂志:教师版, 2017(11), 229. 金毅,宋世学,李世渊  ISSN : 2095-4743
  9. 理论物理类精品课程(群)与在线课程一体化建设初探,高校物理课程教学系列报告会论文集2016,2017出版. 金毅,张仲,宋世学,李世渊  978-7-89423-957-0(ISBN)


  1. 山东省研究生优质课:群论
  2. 高等学校精品课程:电动力学
  3. 校级研究生精品课:高等量子力学
  4. 校级研究生优质课:规范场论、量子场论、粒子物理
  5. 校级本科优质课:粒子物理、原子核物理


  1. “三体相融”理念下的物理学一流专业建设综合探索与实践,2019济南大学优秀教学成果奖特等奖
  2. 济南大学研究生教学成果奖二等奖,物理学位课《群论》探究创新型教学实践
  3. 物理学专业英语教学改革与实践,2010年校级优秀教学研究成果奖三等奖
  4. 《物理学专业英语》,已于2021年初编撰完毕,并签订出版合同
  5. 大学物理,副主编,浙江大学出版社,2013


  1. 2020年山东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目,任意形状孔夫琅禾费衍射的图像模拟,指导教师
  2. 任意形孔夫琅禾费衍射的图像模拟(2020第三届山东省光电设计大赛三等奖) ,胡玥、王宾、刘斌,指导教师:金毅、宋朋
  3. 2019国家大学生创新训练计划项目,金属杨氏模量小型自动化测试仪,指导教师
  4. 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201710427059),重力加速度远程在线实验仪,指导教师
  5. 第11届山东省大学生物理创新大赛省一等奖,基于远程控制的金属杨氏模量小型测试仪,指导教师
  6. 山东省第十届大学生科技节——物理科技创新大赛二等奖,电磁辐射演示仪, 2018,指导教师
  7. 山东省第九届大学生科技节-物理科技创新大赛一等奖,远程在线旋转液体实验仪, 2017,指导教师
  8. 刘昂等:Leptogenesis and dark matter from a low scale seesaw mechanism, Ang Liu , Zhi-Long Han, Yi Jin, and Fa-Xin Yang, published 6 May 2020, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 101, 095005 (2020)  SCI收录
  9. 张晓峰等:Studying color connection effects of e+e−→cc¯cc¯→Ξcc+X process within Quark Combination Model. Y. Jin, H. L. Li, S. Q. Li, S. Y. Li, Z. G. Si, T. Yao, and X. F. Zhang. Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) 11, 114017 SCI收录
  10. 马瑞灿等:Magneto-optical Kerr effect studies with classical electromagnetic theory. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10452 104525A-1:9(2017), 9781510613812(ISBN)   EI收录
  11. 陈佳会等:Simulation Analysis of the Equipotential Surface of Regular-Shaped Charged Bodies,  Advances in Computer Science Research, Vol.91(2019), pp. 55-59,ISSN: 2352-538X   EI收录
  12. 于慧等:Propagation Behavior Studies on Elliptically Polarized Wave within Chiral Negative Refraction Mediums. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research (2018), p1-5, ISSN:2475-885X  EI收录
  13. 王晓晨等:The Calculation and Simulation of a Current Loop’s Magnetic Field. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research (2018), p181-185, ISSN:2475-885X   EI收录
  14. 崔兴霞等:椭偏电磁波在手征负折射介质表面的反射与折射特性研究,电工技术学报,2015 (s1) :1-6.  EI收录





  1. 理工类研究生学位课实施课程思政的探索和实践--以物理学为例SDYJG19038,2019年山东省研究生教育改革项目
  2. 山东省研究生教育优质课程立项建设-群论
  3. 山东省高等学校精品课程电动力学建设项目(省jpkc201311)
  4. 山东省高校教学改革立项:基于有效教学和课程群一体化建设的大学物理教学改革研究(参与/3)
  5. 地方高校近代物理教学团队与精品课程(群)一体化建设模式探究,济南大学教育教研重点项目


  1. A Preliminary Exploration of Carrying Out Effective Classroom Management for Teachers, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol.516, p92-96, 2021   CPCI收录
  2. Reform and Practice of Professional English Teaching of Physics in Universities, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 298, 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019), 2019出版, Published by Atlantis Press. pp. 290-294   CPCI收录
  3. Exploration on Implementing Quality-Oriented Education in Physics Teaching in University, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 322, 2nd International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science(ISERSS2019), 2019出版,  pp. 152-155          CPCI收录
  4. Experience and Reflection on Cultivating Graduate Students' Innovative Ability in the Course Teaching of Group Theory. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), ISSN 2352-5398, Vol.286, 2019, pp. 121-124.           CPCI收录
  5. Exploration of Modern Physical Experiments with Limited Resources and Its Promoting Effects on Theoretical Physics Courses. DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science, ISSN: 2475-0042, , p94-98, 2019.                CPCI收录
  6. Exploration and Practice on Stimulation of Students’ Interests in Theoretical Physics Courses. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol.181, p239-242, 2018.    CPCI收录
  7. Studies on Network Teaching and Website Design of Main Courses. In the proceeding of 2017 5th International Conference on Modern Education (ICOME 2017), p116-120, published by DEStech Publications. ISBN: 978-1-60595-528-5, 2018.                              CPCI收录
  8. 地方高校精品课程群与教学团队共建模式初探,新教育时代电子杂志:教师版, 2017(11), 229. 金毅,宋世学,李世渊  ISSN : 2095-4743
  9. 理论物理类精品课程(群)与在线课程一体化建设初探,高校物理课程教学系列报告会论文集2016,2017出版. 金毅,张仲,宋世学,李世渊  978-7-89423-957-0(ISBN)


  1. 山东省研究生优质课:群论
  2. 高等学校精品课程:电动力学
  3. 校级研究生精品课:高等量子力学
  4. 校级研究生优质课:规范场论、量子场论、粒子物理
  5. 校级本科优质课:粒子物理、原子核物理


  1. “三体相融”理念下的物理学一流专业建设综合探索与实践,2019济南大学优秀教学成果奖特等奖
  2. 济南大学研究生教学成果奖二等奖,物理学位课《群论》探究创新型教学实践
  3. 物理学专业英语教学改革与实践,2010年校级优秀教学研究成果奖三等奖
  4. 《物理学专业英语》,已于2021年初编撰完毕,并签订出版合同
  5. 大学物理,副主编,浙江大学出版社,2013


  1. 2020年山东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目,任意形状孔夫琅禾费衍射的图像模拟,指导教师
  2. 任意形孔夫琅禾费衍射的图像模拟(2020第三届山东省光电设计大赛三等奖) ,胡玥、王宾、刘斌,指导教师:金毅、宋朋
  3. 2019国家大学生创新训练计划项目,金属杨氏模量小型自动化测试仪,指导教师
  4. 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201710427059),重力加速度远程在线实验仪,指导教师
  5. 第11届山东省大学生物理创新大赛省一等奖,基于远程控制的金属杨氏模量小型测试仪,指导教师
  6. 山东省第十届大学生科技节——物理科技创新大赛二等奖,电磁辐射演示仪, 2018,指导教师
  7. 山东省第九届大学生科技节-物理科技创新大赛一等奖,远程在线旋转液体实验仪, 2017,指导教师
  8. 刘昂等:Leptogenesis and dark matter from a low scale seesaw mechanism, Ang Liu , Zhi-Long Han, Yi Jin, and Fa-Xin Yang, published 6 May 2020, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 101, 095005 (2020)  SCI收录
  9. 张晓峰等:Studying color connection effects of e+e−→cc¯cc¯→Ξcc+X process within Quark Combination Model. Y. Jin, H. L. Li, S. Q. Li, S. Y. Li, Z. G. Si, T. Yao, and X. F. Zhang. Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) 11, 114017 SCI收录
  10. 马瑞灿等:Magneto-optical Kerr effect studies with classical electromagnetic theory. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10452 104525A-1:9(2017), 9781510613812(ISBN)   EI收录
  11. 陈佳会等:Simulation Analysis of the Equipotential Surface of Regular-Shaped Charged Bodies,  Advances in Computer Science Research, Vol.91(2019), pp. 55-59,ISSN: 2352-538X   EI收录
  12. 于慧等:Propagation Behavior Studies on Elliptically Polarized Wave within Chiral Negative Refraction Mediums. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research (2018), p1-5, ISSN:2475-885X  EI收录
  13. 王晓晨等:The Calculation and Simulation of a Current Loop’s Magnetic Field. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research (2018), p181-185, ISSN:2475-885X   EI收录
  14. 崔兴霞等:椭偏电磁波在手征负折射介质表面的反射与折射特性研究,电工技术学报,2015 (s1) :1-6.  EI收录



