访问量: 98688


课程负责人: 温凤桐
共建教师: 陈兆英 王秀云 陈文娟
课程建设:省级优质课程 开课学院:数学科学学院

开课时间:2021年09月07日 学习人数:100人
有效时间: 永久有效 评分:
温凤桐 济南大学 数学科学学院 教授








1.Fengtong Wen, xuelei Li. An improved dynamic ID-based remote user authentication with key agreement scheme. Computers and Electrical Engineering.38(2): 381-387 , 2011. (SCI,IF=0.928)

2.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo and Guomin Yang. A Secure and Effective Anonymous User Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks. Wireless Personal Communications,73( 3): 993-1004, 2013  (SCI,IF=0.428)

3.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo and Guomin Yang. A Robust Smart Card Based Anonymous User Authentication Protocol for Wireless Communications. Security and Communication Networks,7:987-993, 2014 . (SCI,IF=0.311)

4.Fengtong Wen.A Robust Uniqueness-and-Anonymity-Preserving Remote User Authentication Scheme for Connected Health Care. Journal of Medical Systems, 37(6):9980,2013. (SCI,IF=1.783)
5.Fengtong Wen, Dianli Guo, xuelei Li.Cryptanalysis of”a new dynamic ID-based user
authentication scheme to resist smart-card-theft attack. Applied mathematics and information sciences. 8(4):1855-1858,2014.(SCI)
6.Fengtong Wen. A More Secure Anonymous User Authentication Scheme for the Integrated EPR Information System,Journal of Medical Systems, 38(5):42,2014. (SCI,IF=1.783)

7.Fengtong Wen, Dianli Guo. An Improved Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Telecare Medical Information Systems,Journal of Medical Systems, 38(5):26,2014. (SCI.IF=1.783)
8.Dianli Guo,FengtongWen. Analysis and Improvement of a Robust Smart Card Based-Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Architecture,Wireless Personal Communications,DOI 10.1007/s11277-014-1762-7,2014.(SCI,IF=0.428)
9.Fengtong Wen,Wenling Wu,Qiaoyan Wen. Error Oracle Attacks on Several Modes of Operation. LNAI, 3802, 2005. (SCI)
10.Xu elei Li,Fengtong Wen. A strong password-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement scheme on elliptic curve cryptosystem for portable devices. Applied mathematics and information sciences. 2012.6 (2). (SCI,IF=0.7)

11.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo, Guomin Yang, Analysis and Improvement on a Biometric-based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards, Wireless Personal Communications,2014,DOI: 10.1007/s11277-014-2111-6.(SCI)

12.Fengtong Wen, xuelei Li. Cross-realm client-to-client password-based authenticated key agreement protocol for mobile devices on elliptic curve cryptosystem, Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2011.6(5).23 ~ 31.  (EI)
13. Fengtong Wen, Shenjun Cui. A New Proxy Signature Scheme with Efficient Multiple Delegations to the Same Proxy Signer. Journal of Computational Information Systems.2011.7(10).3623-3629. (EI)
14.Fengtong Wen, Xuelei Li.An Improved DoS-resistant ID-based Password Authentication Scheme without Using Smart Card, Journal of electronics (china), 28(4-6), 2011.
15.温凤桐. 基于MISTY结构的可调分组密码的设计与分析.通信学报,31(7), 76-80, 2010. (EI)
16.Fengtong Wen. On Super-Psudorandomness of MISTY-Type Tweakable Block ciphers. Proceedings of  ICCSN 2010(EI)

17.Fengtong Wen, Shenjun Cui. An ID-based Proxy Signature Scheme Secure Against Proxy Key Exposure.International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 3(5). 108~116. (EI)

18.Hao Lin, Fengtong Wen, Chunxia Du,An Improved Anonymous Multi-Server Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Using Smart Cards and Biometrics,Wireless Pers Commun (2015) 84:2351–2362(SCI)

19.Fengtong Wen, Willy Susilo and Guomin Yang.Analysis and Improvement on a Biometric-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards,Wireless Pers Commun (2015) 80:1747–1760(SCI)

20.Lin, Hao,Wen, Fengtong,Du, Chunxia .An anonymous and secure authentication and key agreement scheme for session initiation protocol. Multimedia Tools and Applications,76(2):2315-2329,2017.(SCI)

21.Zhangxin,wen fengtong.An novel anonymous user WSN authentication for Internet of Things. Soft Computing (2019) 23:5683–5691(SCI).

22.Song zhaoyang,wenfengtong.The thinking of moral education infiltration in mathematics teaching from moral education and cultivating people.2020 International Conference on Social Science, Economics and Education Research (SSEER 2020).

23.Chen fenghan,wenfengtong.Research on Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode of High School Mathematics under the Background of“Internet +.2019 3rd International Conference on Education, Management Science and Economics,2019

24.Ma ying,wenfengtong.Thoughts on the Reform of the New College Entrance Examination.2018 International Conference on Humanities and Advanced Education Technology (ICHAET 2018)

1.山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖(第一位), 2016年

2.山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖(第一位), 2011年。



5.林浩,  2013级,2016年毕业,考取北京邮电大学博士

7.张欣,   2015级,北京邮电大学博士研究生)







1.Xuelei Li,Fengtong Wen. A strong password-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement scheme on elliptic curve cryptosystem for portable devices. Applied mathematics and information sciences. 2012.6 (2). (SCI)
2.Xuelei Li, Fengtong Wen.A New Cross-Realm Client-to-Client Password-Authentication Key Exchange Protocol, Journal of Computational Information Systems.2010.6(13).4553-4561.(EI)
3.Shenjun Cui, Fengtong Wen. A New ID-based Designated Verifier Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme.
international Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering.2011.3(2).270-273.
4. Shenjun cui, Fengtong Wen. Improvement of a Forward-Secure Proxy Signature Scheme. Proceedings of ICCET2010(EI)
5.Shenjun Cui, Fengtong Wen. An identity-based multiple grade anonymous proxy signature scheme. Journal of Computational Information Systems.2010.6(7).2441-2447.(EI)
6.Dianli Guo,FengtongWen. Analysis and Improvement of a Robust Smart Card Based-Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Architecture,Wireless Personal Communications,DOI 10.1007/s11277-014-1762-7,2014.(SCI)
7.DianliGuo, FengtongWen. A More Secure Dynamic ID Based Remote User Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Environment, Journal of Computational Information Systems 9: 2 (2013) 407–414.(EI)
8.Dianli Guo, Fengtong Wen.A New Remote Authentication Scheme for Anonymous Users Using ECC,3CA2013. 143-146.(EI)
9.Dianli Guo, Fengtong Wen,A More Secure and Efficient Remote Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement. EEIC2013.119-122.(EI)
10.Hao Lin, Fengtong Wen, Chunxia Du,An Improved Anonymous Multi-Server Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Using Smart Cards and Biometrics,Wireless Pers Commun (2015) 84:2351–2362(SCI)

11. Hao Lin, Fengtong Wen,An anonymous and secure authentication and key agreement scheme for session initiation protocol,Multimed Tools Appl.,76:2315-2329.

12.Guo dianli,Wen fengtong,A more robust authentication scheme for roaming service in global mobility networks using ECC,International Journal of Network Security,18(2):217-223,2016.

13.zhangxin,wenfengtong.An novel anonymous user WSN authentication for Internet of ThingsSoft Computing (2019), 23, pages5683–5691.

14.Dawei SongFengtong Wen.Efficient Identity-Based Signature Authentication Scheme for Smart Home System.Artificial Intelligence and Security (2020)

15.Xin ZhangFengtong Wen.An Anonymous User Authentication and Key Distribution Protocol for Heterogenous Wireless Sensor Network.Cloud Computing and Security (2017)

16.Yuxia ZhangXin ZhangFengtong Wen.An Improved IoT Notion-Based Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Heterogenous Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor NetworkCloud Computing and Security (2018)



代数学教学团队有4位具有多年教学经验的教师组成,其中教授3人,副教授1人,3人具有博士学位,1人具有硕士学位。 课程负责人: 温凤桐,男,博士、教授、硕士生导师,获济南大学优秀教师、济南大学优秀班主任等荣誉称号,山东省一流本科专业负责人。主要从事密码协议理论方面的研究,主持山东省自然科学基金3项,参与省部级以上教研项目多项,获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖两项,在《Computers and Electrical Engineering》,《Wireless Personal Communications》,《Security and Communication Networks》,《Multimedia Tools and Applications》,《Soft Computing》等国内外期刊发表高水平学术论文40余篇,SCI论文引用超过210次。培养硕士研究生10余名。 主要成员: 陈兆英,女,硕士,教授,硕士研究生导师,先后获得“济南大学教学名师”“济南大学优秀教学奖”“济南大学青年教学能手”等称号;主持国家一流课程一门;主持《矩阵论》山东省优质课研究项目1项。长期从事数学公共基础课和专业课的教学改革研究工作,先后主讲《高等数学》、《线性代数》、《线性代数与空间解析几何》等本科生的公共基础课和《高等代数》数学专业课及《矩阵论》等研究生学位课。 王秀云:女,博士,副教授,主持国家青年基金一项,山东省自然科学基金1项,发表论文多篇。 陈文娟:女,教授,博士,主持国家青年基金一项,山东省自然科学基金2项,获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖两项,发表高水平论文30余篇。