访问量: 98688


课程负责人: 韩伟
课程建设:专业学位课程 开课学院:美术学院

开课时间:2020年10月21日 学习人数:35人
有效时间: 永久有效 评分:



1. Speaking Activity: Pronunciation Practice and Self-Introduction

Focus on improving students' ability to accent the correct words and successfully using intonation for the good English pronunciation. on the basis of pronunciation improvement, encouraging students to introduce themselves to each other for the elevation of oral expression ability.

2. Speaking Activity: Professional Introduction

Material study on various domains with reference to the graduate major; further individual practice on how to introduce their own major. Artistic terms and expressions learning.

3. Listening Comprehension Practice: Civilization (V)

As a receptive skill, focus on training students' listening skills, i.e. listen activiely with full attention to what they are listening to.

4. Reading Comprehension Practice: Design and Visual Arts

Focus on how to improve reading comrehension skills: understanding the topic/the gist/the larger conceptual framework of the article for the purpose of drawing conclusion, evaluating, and critically interpreting it.

5. Oral Presentation: Relation Between Design and Visual Arts in the Information Age

Based on the material learned, individuals should know how to organize properly the topic, the main idea, supporting details to build and define their subject matter for the good communication.

6. Listening Comprehension Practice: Predicting, Shaping, and Living in the Future

As a receptive skill, focus on training students' listening skills, i.e. listen actively with full attention to what they are listening to. Artistic terms and expressions learning.

7. Reading Comprehension Practice: Creative Industries in China

Focus on how to improve reading comprehension skills: understanding the topic/the gist/the larger conceptual framework of the article for the purpose of drawing conclusions, evaluating, and critically interpreting it.

8. Oral Presentation: the Role of Design in Crative Industries

Based on the material learned, individuals should know how to organize properly the topic, the main idea, supporting details to build and define their subject matter for the good communication.

9. Reading Comprehension Practice: Art in China

Focus on how to imporve reading comprehension skills: understanding the topic/the gist/the larger conceptual framework of the article for the purpose of drawing conclusions, ealuating, and critically interpreting it.

10. Writing Exercise: Writing a Critical Review

Teaching students how to write a critical review, i.e. to evaluate an academic text and judge it, positively or negatively, with various criteria. Focua on the analysis process, the skills, the proper expressions, especially the two main task: summary and evaluation.


