访问量: 98717


课程负责人: 王建利
课程建设:校级优质课程 开课学院:外国语学院

开课时间:2022年03月14日 学习人数:1人
有效时间: 永久有效 评分:

The English for Academic Purposes: Writing course is offered by the School of Foreign Languages, University of Jinan. The EAP: Writing is uniquely designed for first year credit-bearing master’s students and aims to facilitate graduate students’ academic writing competence. It takes a learner-centred pedagogy with lectures structured around two phases: tasks and skills relating to academic writing in general and move analysis with respect to typical research articles. This course employs a hybrid of genre-based instruction and linguistic approach to set graduate students up for English competency in research, reading and academic writing.  


Chapter 1. Introduction (Four Hours)

           1.1 The enacted curriculum:

                 Phase 1: Tasks and skills relating to academic writing in general

                 Phase 2: Move analysis with respect to typical research articles

           1.2 Journal publication

           1.3 Research article structures

           1.4 Titles, abstracts and acknowledgements

Chapter 2. Your “positioning” as a writer: Ranging from audience to rhetorical issues! (Four Hours)

Chapter 3. The Literature review (Four Hours: Self-Directed learning module)

           3.1 Survey the literature

           3.2 Critique the literature

Chapter 4. Move analysis: Introductions (Four Hours)

Chapter 5. Underlying structures in academic writing (Eight Hours)

           5.1 General –specific

           5.2 Problem, process, solution

Chapter 6. Move analysis: Methods (Two Hours)

Chapter 7. Data commentary: Building an argument based on data (Four Hours)

Chapter 8. Move analysis: Results (Four Hours)

Chapter 9. Move analysis: Discussion sections (Two Hours)


